Monday, March 16, 2009

Sherman, Xuiwin, and Kahlo

Frida Kahlo's artwork is one that deeply expresses the course of her life events. She had a lot of bad things happen to her, and this is reflected in her artwork. I enjoyed this because it was real and full of emotion and passion. Her themes and messages are very touching and hit to each of our persons- after all, who among us can't identify with pain? Because her art is mostly self portraits, there's a very genuine and connectability in her work. Some of her work is very graphic, such as the paintings with her insides torn out or her representations of losing a baby. Some were very, very shocking.

Cui Xuiwin takes the concept of self portraits, but expresses herself in a new way. Her imagery is often sexual and pushing the limits. I really liked her use of multiple people, because the repetition keeps your eyes on the image, studying the subtle changes from position to position. Her work has dark undertones, but is juxtaposed by the delicate nature of her subjects. The pale skin and white dress give a feeling of fragility.

Cindy Sherman is an awesome photographer. She has really cool stuff. She is mostly at the center of it, and she portrays women as strong and in control. I love her dramatic angles and contrasts and makeup and poses. I find her artwork so intriguing. I really liked her Fairy Tale set because they were not-so-happy-endings. She had an intriguing message in each one. I thought it was very strong.

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