Monday, March 16, 2009

Concept for Project

I have a lot of ideas for this project, all of which stand a good chance of being done for the final.

One of my ideas for this coming project is to take a silhouette of my body and fill up the inside with photographs that make my life. I have a ridiculous amount of photos on my computer so it would not be hard at all. I also think it'd be cool to print it out lifesize- and I'm not that tall so it wouldn't be too difficult! It would be a collage that made up me.

Another cool idea I had is to create a corkboard and design a bunch of things that are important to me on it. After all, one's desk is one of their most personal spaces, especially when you live in a college dorm. I could have 3 facets to the corkboard or to the image as a whole. Maybe it could be split to the shelves, the corkboard and the desk, horizontally.
I think that'd be cool.

Another concept I had was to do a 3 panel image with my and my boyfriend in the center- he's probably one of the most important things in my life. Than have another panel with my friends and another with my family.  The photography would look professional and flow together. I have a cool border idea to add around it and fill it with textures and lyrics around it.

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