Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Concepts for Book

When looking through the provided resources, I decided I really liked the index card book. I'd love to do it so that the cards are horizontal but hanging vertically, so the pages go downward.

My poem offers me a lot of creative license, and I have a visual concept that would look perfect. I just need to pray my skills will make it look as amazing as it is in my head!

My idea is to make the background a textured light gray- almost "dreary" looking. The objects in it would be with abstract and artistic angles, and conceptual to the line of the poem they convey. I want to make it look like a textile vector, if that makes any sense. Almost cartoonish (vector) but elegant and simplistic (like a textile). I want it to look as if they are handmade and then scanned, instead of all on photoshop. I also want the objects to look "stiched" on.

For the type, I feel that a typewriter style would be perfect.

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